Questionnaire for Introductory Accounting
When the schedule for pre-terms in ISB was announced, I had the question – Do I take the accounting pre-term?
The general trend for the “Introductory Accounting” pre-term in ISB is that all non CA’s or non-commerce grads need to attend this. ISB helps one decide whether he/she needs to attend the accounting pre-term by giving a “Questionnaire for Introductory Accounting”. But unfortunately test does no help for me. Though I never took any formal education for accounting, I know a bit of accounting because of my involvement in my father’s marble business. I wasn’t sure about the need of the accounting pre-term for me. I thought the test should help me decide. Here is the message I got after the test –
“You have a fair understanding of Accounting Concepts and do not necessarily have to do the pre-term course.
You have the option of deciding to enroll for the pre-term course.”
What does that mean? I have the option! I thought everyone has the option. In short the test did nothing for me to make a decision. I still have the question - Do I take the accounting pre-term?
The general trend for the “Introductory Accounting” pre-term in ISB is that all non CA’s or non-commerce grads need to attend this. ISB helps one decide whether he/she needs to attend the accounting pre-term by giving a “Questionnaire for Introductory Accounting”. But unfortunately test does no help for me. Though I never took any formal education for accounting, I know a bit of accounting because of my involvement in my father’s marble business. I wasn’t sure about the need of the accounting pre-term for me. I thought the test should help me decide. Here is the message I got after the test –
“You have a fair understanding of Accounting Concepts and do not necessarily have to do the pre-term course.
You have the option of deciding to enroll for the pre-term course.”
What does that mean? I have the option! I thought everyone has the option. In short the test did nothing for me to make a decision. I still have the question - Do I take the accounting pre-term?