Friday, May 05, 2006

Hitting a quarter century

I will be 25 tomorrow on 7th May. At this time I am thinking of what all I have achieved in all these 25 years and what I would have achieved in next 25 years. 25 years is a very long time. But the past 25 years passed very soon – most of it in education – building the foundation for the stuff to be in done in next 25 years. Planning for next 25 years would be a very difficult thing. Here is an effort to list 10 things which I want to do in next 10 years.

To be CEO of my own company.
To make my company one of the best and biggest in its field/industry.
To float a successful IPO.
To own a Mercedes Benz.
To visit to at least 5 countries for holiday with my wife.
To learn golf.
To learn one foreign language – French/Spanish/some-other - be fluent in it.
To learn to play bridge and poker - win some big casino games.
To learn Salsa.
To start horse riding again and improve in that.

These are the things which I have in mind and this is certainly not exhaustive.


Blogger Chiranth Channappa said...

Interesting list. See you in the pool tonight :-)

11:40 PM  
Blogger Sabyasachi said...

Many many happy returns of the day.Hope all your dreams and aspirations are fulfilled.

11:28 AM  
Blogger Mama said...

I think you are really getting into that CEO outfit - holidays, golf, salsa, horse riding. you are just there already.

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey K,
Happy B'day once again and all the best for your B'day.

Hope you enjoyed the dunking..


2:47 PM  
Blogger Kapil Mantri said...

Chiranth, Sabya, Mama and K - thanks a lot. Btw I am wondering who is this K - it would be great if you can tell me your name.

4:12 PM  

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